How to shop
Every visitor to our shop can use a Visitor's basket. This allows you to store items in the so-called. Temporary basket. Once a new or unlogged customer leaves the store, the cart contents emptied.

Every customer login, you may use the so-called. Customer's basket. This cart allows logged-in customers leave items in the cart after leaving the shop and complete the order at any other time.

Login customer can use various services that we offer. Some of these services are:

  - The completed form - complete the form only once at login, for further orders your data is always added automatically.

  - Customer basket - All goods inserted into shopping cart is stored until it is not removed from the basket or do not complete the purchase.
If the customer who is not logged, adds products to the Visitor's basket and then log into online commerce, content Visitor's cart will be transferred to Customer cart automatically.

  - Address book - we can deliver goods to a different address than the one you provide when signing up!

  - Order History - View all orders in our store.

  - Product evaluation - Share your experiences with the offered goods with other visitors.